Who We Are

The Art Team is a game art outsource studio specialising in stylised environment art based in the UK, founded by Anya Elvidge, an environment artist, consultant, and mentor working in the games industry since 2016.

We provide a tailor-made art service to game studios looking to level up their environment art.

Whether that involves concept art that lays the foundations for a brand-new IP, stunning illustrations, proof-of-concept vertical slices, or 3D models to slot seamlessly into an existing IP, we have you covered.

In an industry that seeks largely senior talent, we aim to invest in as many juniors as possible, to allow them experience in the industry and to learn from professionals. Juniors are the future of our industry - we cannot leave them behind.

Where it began

Anya started working in games in 2016 at Creative Assembly as an environment artist on the Total War franchise. In 2021 she left in-house work at Rare Ltd to go freelance, swiftly expanding her client list to include names such as Supercell, Epic Games, Intel, Amazon, and many more within 2 years. Work was completed on a 1:1 basis covering vis dev, prop work, illustration, and concept art. Additionally she has provided a range of mentorships to artists early in their career or seeking to break into the industry. It became ever more apparent that demand for environment art was higher than Anya was able to meet alone.

Unable to clone herself, in 2023, Anya began to explore hiring small teams for assistance on projects. She works with a range of levels, from senior-lead level to junior artists who require more direction and mentoring, and are looking to break into professional work. Teaching artists and offering guidance is one of Anya’s greatest passions and she firmly believes that training up juniors is core to the sustainability of the game art industry as a whole.

The Art Team was born from a desire to provide a service with Anya’s own quality bar and direction, at accessible rates and time scales, to a broader range of clients. If she can bring together great artists, and industry-leading clients, and set the wheels in motion to make the best environment art the games industry has to offer, she will consider her job done.


Let’s make a team.